Information discovery and fusion: semantics on the battlefield
To help translate information superiority to decision superiority (i.e. to rapidly arrive at better decisions than adversaries can respond to), many scientific, technical and technological challenges must be addressed. The most critical of those are information fusion and management at different levels, communication, planning and execution monitoring. Multiagent infrastructures allow information producers and users to discover one another and establish direct links. The robust, decentralized Infosphere which results, can be stood up rapidly and ensures that information of the specified types will be delivered to the right users under the right conditions. Problems involving discovery of and interoperation with new information sources are central to realizing such dynamic battlefield networks. In this paper we introduce a semantic description language and discovery technologies which may hold the keys to building large scale heterogeneous battlefield networks.
@conference{Sycara-2003-123064,author = {K. Sycara and M. Paolucci and M. Lewis},
title = {Information discovery and fusion: semantics on the battlefield},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 6th International Conference of Information Fusion (FUSION '03)},
year = {2003},
month = {July},
pages = {538 - 544},