Integrating Emotional Cues into a Framework for Dialogue Management
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI '02), pp. 141 - 146, October, 2002
Emotions are very important in human-human communication but are usually ignored in human-computer interaction. Recent work focuses on recognition and generation of emotions as well as emotion driven behavior. Our work focuses on the use of emotions in dialogue systems that can be used with speech input or as well in multi-modal environments. This paper describes a framework for using emotional cues in a dialogue system and their informational characterization. We describe emotion models that can be integrated into the dialogue system and can be used in different domains and tasks. Our application of the dialogue system is planned to model multi-modal human-computer-interaction with a humanoid robotic system.
@conference{Holzapfel-2002-8570,author = {Hartwig Holzapfel and Christian F?en and Matthias Denecke and Alex Waibel},
title = {Integrating Emotional Cues into a Framework for Dialogue Management},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI '02)},
year = {2002},
month = {October},
pages = {141 - 146},
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