Interacting with 3-Dimensional Medical Data – Haptic Feedback for Surgical Simulation
Workshop Paper, 1st PHANTOM Users Group Workshop, December, 1996
This paper describes different methods tested to haptically explore voxel-based data acquired through medical scanners. The goal of this project is a multi-modal virtual reality surgical simulator. This simulator will allow surgeons and surgical residents to practice and rehearse surgical procedures using patient-specific data. Several methods for calculating the displayed force were investigated and are presented. Additional medical dataset operations, graphical interfaces, and implementation issues are also presented.
@workshop{Mor-1996-14267,author = {Andrew Mor and Sarah Gibson and Joseph Samosky},
title = {Interacting with 3-Dimensional Medical Data - Haptic Feedback for Surgical Simulation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st PHANTOM Users Group Workshop},
year = {1996},
month = {December},
editor = {Salisbury, JK and Srinivasan, MA},
publisher = {MIT AI Laboratory},
keywords = {Haptic, Human Computer Interface, Volume Rendering},
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