Interaction with a Realtime Dynamic Environment Simulation using a Magnetic Levitation Haptic Interface Device - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Interaction with a Realtime Dynamic Environment Simulation using a Magnetic Levitation Haptic Interface Device

Peter Berkelman, Ralph Hollis, and David Baraff
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 4, pp. 3261 - 3266, May, 1999


A high performance six degree-of-freedom magnetic levitation haptic interface device has been integrated with a physically-based dynamic rigid-body simulation to enable realistic user interaction in real time with a 3-D dynamic virtual environment. The user grasps the levitated handle of the device to manipulate a virtual tool in the simulated environment and feels its force and motion response as it contacts and interacts with other objects in the simulation. The physical simulation and the magnetic levitation controller execute independently on separate processors. The position and orientation of the virtual tool in the simulation and the levitated handle of the maglev device are exchanged at each update of the simulation. The position and orientation data from each system act as impedance control setpoints for the other, with position error and velocity feedback on each system acting as virtual coupling between the two systems. The setpoints from the simulation are interpolated by the controller at the faster device control rate so that the user feels smooth sliding contacts without chattering due to the slower updates of the simulation. The simple feedback coupling between the two systems enables the overall stiffness and stability of the combined system to be tuned easily and provides realistic haptic user interaction. Sample task simulation environments have been programmed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the haptic interaction system.


author = {Peter Berkelman and Ralph Hollis and David Baraff},
title = {Interaction with a Realtime Dynamic Environment Simulation using a Magnetic Levitation Haptic Interface Device},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {1999},
month = {May},
volume = {4},
pages = {3261 - 3266},