Interactive Light Field Painting - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Interactive Light Field Painting

James Tompkin, Samuel Muff, Stanislav Jakuschevskij, James McCann, Jan Kautz, Marc Alexa, and Wojciech Matusik
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies (SIGGRAPH '12), August, 2012


Since the seminal SketchPad work of Sutherland [1964], direct interaction with a computer has been compelling: we can directly touch, move, and change what we see. Direct interaction is a major contribution to the success of smartphones and tablets; yet, the world is not flat. While existing technologies can display realistic multi-view stereoscopic 3D content reasonably well [Lueder 2012], interaction within the same 3D space often requires extensive additional hardware. We present a cheap and easy system that uses the same lenslet array for both multi-view autostereoscopic display and 3D light-pen position sensing.


author = {James Tompkin and Samuel Muff and Stanislav Jakuschevskij and James McCann and Jan Kautz and Marc Alexa and Wojciech Matusik},
title = {Interactive Light Field Painting},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies (SIGGRAPH '12)},
year = {2012},
month = {August},