Introduction to Prognostic Normative Reasoning
Workshop Paper, AAMAS '11 Advanced Agent Technology Workshop, pp. 503 - 504, May, 2011
Human users planning for multiple objectives in coalition environments are subjected to high levels of cognitive workload, which can severely impair the quality of the plans created. The cognitive workload is significantly increased when a user must not only cope with a complex environment, but also with a set of unaccustomed rules that prescribe how the coalition planning process must be carried out. In this context, we develop a prognostic assistant agent that takes a proactive stance in assisting cognitively overloaded users by providing timely support for normative reasoning---reasoning about prohibitions and obligations.
@workshop{Oh-2011-113146,author = {J. Oh and F. Meneguzzi and K. P. Sycara and T. J. Norman},
title = {Introduction to Prognostic Normative Reasoning},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAMAS '11 Advanced Agent Technology Workshop},
year = {2011},
month = {May},
pages = {503 - 504},
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