IR-RAT: Infrared Remote Activity Transceiver Universal Model - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

IR-RAT: Infrared Remote Activity Transceiver Universal Model

William Sands, Robert H. Thibadeau, and Drew Anderson
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-93-12, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 1993


The IR-RAT was developed as the result of a need to remotely control computers. It is a microcontroller based infrared remote control interface. This document describes its design and operation so that it might be used or altered for use in the future.


author = {William Sands and Robert H. Thibadeau and Drew Anderson},
title = {IR-RAT: Infrared Remote Activity Transceiver Universal Model},
year = {1993},
month = {April},
institute = {Carnegie Mellon University},
address = {Pittsburgh, PA},
number = {CMU-RI-TR-93-12},