Kalman filtering for real-time orientation tracking of handheld microsurgical instrument
This paper presents the theory and modeling of a quaternion-based augmented state Kalman filter for real-time orientation tracking of a handheld microsurgical instrument equipped with a magnetometer-aided all-accelerometer inertial measurement unit (IMU). The onboard sensing system provides two complementary sources of orientation information. The all-accelerometer IMU provides a high resolution but drifting angular velocity estimate, while the magnetic north vector is combined with the estimated gravity vector to yield a non-drifting but noisy orientation estimate. Analysis of the dominant stochastic noise components of the sensors and derivation of the noise covariance are presented. The proposed Kalman filter obtains a non-drifting orientation estimate with improved resolution by incorporating the motion dynamics of the instrument during microsurgery and models the angular velocity drift explicitly as extra dynamic states.
@conference{Ang-2004-9057,author = {Wei-Tech Ang and Pradeep Khosla and Cameron Riviere},
title = {Kalman filtering for real-time orientation tracking of handheld microsurgical instrument},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
year = {2004},
month = {September},
volume = {3},
pages = {2574 - 2580},