LADAR-Based Mover Detection From Moving Vehicles - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

LADAR-Based Mover Detection From Moving Vehicles

Daniel D. Morris, Brian R. Colonna, and Paul H. Haley
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 25th Army Science Conference (ASC '06), November, 2006


Detecting moving vehicles and people is crucial for safe operation of UGVs but is challenging in cluttered, real world environments. We propose a registration technique that enables objects to be robustly matched and tracked, and hence movers to be detected even in high clutter. Range data are acquired using a 2D scanning Ladar from a moving platform. These are automatically clustered into objects and modeled using a surface density function. A Bhattacharya similarity is optimized to register subsequent views of each object enabling good discrimination and tracking, and hence mover detection.


author = {Daniel D. Morris and Brian R. Colonna and Paul H. Haley},
title = {LADAR-Based Mover Detection From Moving Vehicles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 25th Army Science Conference (ASC '06)},
year = {2006},
month = {November},