Language and Pronunciation Modeling in the CMU 1996 Hub 4 Evaluation - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Language and Pronunciation Modeling in the CMU 1996 Hub 4 Evaluation

Kristie Seymore, Stanley Chen, Maxine Eskenazi, and Ronald Rosenfeld
Workshop Paper, DARPA Spoken Language Systems Technology Workshop (SLSTW '97), pp. 141 - 146, February, 1997


We describe several language and pronunciation modeling techniques that were applied to the 1996 Hub Broadcast News transcription task. These include topic adaptation, the use of remote corpora, vocabulary size optimization, n-gram cutoff optimization, modeling of spontaneous speech, handling of unknown linguistic boundaries, higher order n-grams, weight optimization in rescoring, and lexical modeling of phrases and acronyms.


author = {Kristie Seymore and Stanley Chen and Maxine Eskenazi and Ronald Rosenfeld},
title = {Language and Pronunciation Modeling in the CMU 1996 Hub 4 Evaluation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of DARPA Spoken Language Systems Technology Workshop (SLSTW '97)},
year = {1997},
month = {February},
pages = {141 - 146},