Learning Neural Parsers with Deterministic Differentiable Imitation Learning - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Learning Neural Parsers with Deterministic Differentiable Imitation Learning

Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CoRL) Conference on Robot Learning, pp. 592 - 604, October, 2018


We address the problem of spatial segmentation of a 2D object in the context of a robotic system for painting, where an optimal segmentation depends on both the appearance of the object and the size of each segment. Since each segment must take into account appearance features at several scales, we take a hierarchical grammar-based parsing approach to decompose the object into 2D segments for painting. Since there are many ways to segment an object the solution space is extremely large and it is very challenging to utilize an exploration based optimization approach like reinforcement learning. Instead, we pose the segmentation problem as an imitation learning problem by using a segmentation algorithm in the place of an expert, that has access to a small dataset with known foreground-background segmentations. During the imitation learning process, we learn to imitate the oracle (segmentation algorithm) using only the image of the object, without the use of the known foreground-background segmentations. We introduce a novel deterministic policy gradient update, DRAG, in the form of a deterministic actor-critic variant of AggreVaTeD, to train our neural network based object parser. We will also show that our approach can be seen as extending DDPG to the Imitation Learning scenario. Training our neural parser to imitate the oracle via DRAG allow our neural parser to outperform several existing imitation learning approaches.


author = {Tanmay Shankar, Nicholas Rhinehart, Katharina Muelling, Kris M. Kitani},
title = {Learning Neural Parsers with Deterministic Differentiable Imitation Learning},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (CoRL) Conference on Robot Learning},
year = {2018},
month = {October},
pages = {592 - 604},