Lessons Learned from Xavier
Magazine Article, Robotics & Automation Magazine, pp. 33 - 39, June, 2000
For the past four years, we have been running an experiment in web-based interaction with an autonomous indoor mobile robot. The robot, called Xavier, can accept commands to travel to different offices in our building, broadcasting camera images as it travels. The experiment, which was originally designed to test a new navigation algorithm, has proven very successful, with nearly 40,000 requests received and 240 kilometers travelled, to date. This article describes the autonomous robot system, the web-based interfaces, and how they communicate with the robot. It highlights lessons learned during this experiment in web-based robotics and includes recommendations for putting future mobile robots on the web.
@periodical{Simmons-2000-16766,author = {Reid Simmons and Joaquin Lopez Fernandez and Richard Goodwin and Sven Koenig and Joseph O'Sullivan},
title = {Lessons Learned from Xavier},
journal = {Robotics & Automation Magazine},
year = {2000},
month = {June},
pages = {33 - 39},
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