Levels of Adaptivity in Systems of Coordinating Information Agents - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Levels of Adaptivity in Systems of Coordinating Information Agents

Workshop Paper, 2nd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA '98), pp. 172 - 189, July, 1998


Complex information environments, e.g. the Internet, are open systems. An open system is one in which the system components are not known in advance, can change over time, and may be highly heterogeneous. For example, the Internet can be viewed as a large, distributed information resource with heterogeneous nodes and communication links that could appear and disappear unpredictably. To face the challenges that open environments present, agent-based information systems must be multiagent and adaptive. We are developing a multiagent, reusable system infrastructure, RETSINA, that enables development of adaptive information systems. In this paper, we describe the different types and levels of adaptation in RETSINA, such as adaptation within an individual agent as well as inter-agent organization and coordination. We have used RETSINA to develop a variety of Internet-based applications.


author = {Katia Sycara},
title = {Levels of Adaptivity in Systems of Coordinating Information Agents},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA '98)},
year = {1998},
month = {July},
editor = {M. Klusch, G. Weiss},
pages = {172 - 189},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},