Machine learning for soft robotic sensing and control - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Machine learning for soft robotic sensing and control

Journal Article, Advanced Intelligent Systems: Special Issue: Soft Robotics, Vol. 2, No. 6, June, 2020


Herein, the progress of machine learning methods in the field of soft robotics, specifically in the applications of sensing and control, is outlined. Data‐driven methods such as machine learning are especially suited to systems with governing functions that are unknown, impractical or impossible to represent analytically, or computationally intractable to integrate into real‐world solutions. Function approximation with careful formulation of the machine learning architecture enables the encoding of dynamic behavior and nonlinearities, with the added potential to address hysteresis and nonstationary behavior. Supervised learning and reinforcement learning in simulation and on a wide variety of physical robotic systems have shown promising results for the use of empirical data‐driven methods as a solution to contemporary soft robotics problems.


author = {Keene Chin and Tess Hellebrekers and Carmel Majidi},
title = {Machine learning for soft robotic sensing and control},
journal = {Advanced Intelligent Systems: Special Issue: Soft Robotics},
year = {2020},
month = {June},
volume = {2},
number = {6},