Measuring the Effects of Backchanneling in Computerized Oral Reading Tutoring - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Measuring the Effects of Backchanneling in Computerized Oral Reading Tutoring

Gregory Aist and Jack Mostow
Workshop Paper, ESCA '99 Research Workshop on Prosody and Dialog, September, 1999


What is the effect of backchanneling on human-computer dialog, and how should such effects be measured? We present experiments designed to evaluate the immediate effects of backchanneling on computer-assisted oral reading tutoring. These experiments are implemented in a reading tutor that listens to children read aloud, and helps them learn to read. As a byproduct of designing, conducting, and evaluating these experiments, we are able to describe some unique methodological challenges in evaluating the effects of low-level turn taking dialog behavior.


author = {Gregory Aist and Jack Mostow},
title = {Measuring the Effects of Backchanneling in Computerized Oral Reading Tutoring},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ESCA '99 Research Workshop on Prosody and Dialog},
year = {1999},
month = {September},