Mind Children: the future of robot and human intelligence
Book, October, 1988
Translations: German - Mind Children: der Wettlauf zwichen menschlicher und kunstlicher Intelligenz, Hoffman und Campe, 1990; French - Une Vie Apres la Vie, Odile Jacob, 1992; Spanish - El Hombre Mechanico, Temas de Hoy, 1990; Japanese - Machines as Life (trans.), Iwanami Shoten, 1991; Portuguese - Homens e Robots: O Futuro da Inteligencia Humana e Robotica, Gradiva, 1992; Italian - Boringhieri
Translations: German - Mind Children: der Wettlauf zwichen menschlicher und kunstlicher Intelligenz, Hoffman und Campe, 1990; French - Une Vie Apres la Vie, Odile Jacob, 1992; Spanish - El Hombre Mechanico, Temas de Hoy, 1990; Japanese - Machines as Life (trans.), Iwanami Shoten, 1991; Portuguese - Homens e Robots: O Futuro da Inteligencia Humana e Robotica, Gradiva, 1992; Italian - Boringhieri
@book{Moravec-1988-15429,author = {Hans Moravec},
title = {Mind Children: the future of robot and human intelligence},
year = {1988},
month = {October},
publisher = {Harvard University Press},
address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
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