Mission-Relevant Collaborative Observation and Localization
Workshop Paper, Naval Research Laboratory Workshop on Multi-Robot Systems, pp. 31 - 40, March, 2002
We propose an approach for the integration of collaborative observation and localization within a separate multi-robot mission. The proposed approach will allow individual robots within a team to evaluate and choose a task based on the needs of the mission and the needs, capabilities, and task choices of teammates. TAsks will include mission-related tasks as well as task for self-localization, teammate-localization, and collaborative mapping. To date, work has been done in collaborative observation and mapping.
@workshop{Stroupe-2002-16828,author = {Ashley Stroupe and Tucker Balch},
title = {Mission-Relevant Collaborative Observation and Localization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Naval Research Laboratory Workshop on Multi-Robot Systems},
year = {2002},
month = {March},
editor = {Alan C. Shultz and Lynne E. Parker},
pages = {31 - 40},
publisher = {Klewer},
keywords = {mobile robot, localization, mapping},
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