Modeling and Simulation of Balance Recovery Responses to Tripping
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Annual Meeting for the American Society of Biomechanics, August, 2009
Falls induced by tripping are harmful for the elderly, and cause severe injury, hospitalization, and disability. Appropriate muscle responses and selection of strategies are necessary to avoid these situations. This abstract describes a preliminary work of modeling the balance recovery strategies for tripping with physical simulation to understand theories of tripping. The ultimate goal of this work is to figure out what factors affect the responses by changing parameters of the physical simulation.
@conference{Shiratori-2009-10293,author = {Takaaki Shiratori and Brooke Coley and Rakie Cham and Jessica K. Hodgins},
title = {Modeling and Simulation of Balance Recovery Responses to Tripping},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Annual Meeting for the American Society of Biomechanics},
year = {2009},
month = {August},
keywords = {human simulation, tripping, reactive response},
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