Modeling Ill-Structured Optimization Tasks through Cases
Journal Article, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 345 - 364, August, 1996
CABINS is a framework of modeling an optimization task in ill-structured domains. In such domains, neither systems nor human experts possess the exact model for guiding optimization. And the user's model of optimality is subjective and situation-dependent. CABINS optimizes a solution through iterative revision using case-based reasoning. In CABINS, task structure analysis was adopted for creating an initial model of the optimization task. Generic vocabularies found in the analysis were specialized into case feature descriptions for application problems. Extensive experimentation on job shop scheduling problems has shown that CABINS can operationalize and improve the model through the accumulation of cases.
@article{Miyashita-1996-16313,author = {K. Miyashita and Katia Sycara and R. Mizoguchi},
title = {Modeling Ill-Structured Optimization Tasks through Cases},
journal = {Decision Support Systems},
year = {1996},
month = {August},
volume = {17},
number = {4},
pages = {345 - 364},
keywords = {case-based reasoning, optimization, task analysis},
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