Multi-Lingual Informedia: A Demonstration of Speech Recognition and Information Retrieval across Multiple Languages
Workshop Paper, DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop (BNTUW '98), February, 1998
The Multilingual Informedia Project demonstrates a seamless extension of the Informedia approach to search and discovery across video documents in multiple languages. Previously, we successfully demonstrated that current speech recognizers allow accurate information retrieval for automatically processed English news TV broadcasts. The new system performs speech recognition on foreign language news broadcasts, segments it into stories and indexes the foreign data together with existing English news data. This first multi-lingual prototype could easily be extended to other languages.
@workshop{Hauptmann-1998-14581,author = {Alex Hauptmann and P. Scheytt and Howard Wactlar and P. E. Kennedy},
title = {Multi-Lingual Informedia: A Demonstration of Speech Recognition and Information Retrieval across Multiple Languages},
booktitle = {Proceedings of DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop (BNTUW '98)},
year = {1998},
month = {February},
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