Multi-Resolution Sensing for Real-Time Control with Vision-Language Models - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Multi-Resolution Sensing for Real-Time Control with Vision-Language Models

Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CoRL) Conference on Robot Learning, November, 2023


Leveraging sensing modalities across diverse spatial and temporal resolutions can improve performance of robotic manipulation tasks. Multi-spatial resolution sensing provides hierarchical information captured at different spatial scales and enables both coarse and precise motions. Simultaneously multi-temporal resolution sensing enables the agent to exhibit high reactivity and real-time control. In this work, we propose a framework for learning generalizable language-conditioned multi-task policies that utilize sensing at different spatial and temporal resolutions using networks of varying capacities to effectively perform real time control of precise and reactive tasks. We leverage off-the-shelf pretrained vision-language models to operate on low-frequency global features along with small non-pretrained models to adapt to high frequency local feedback. Through extensive experiments in 3 domains (coarse, precise and dynamic manipulation tasks), we show that our approach significantly improves (2X on average) over recent multi-task baselines. Further, our approach generalizes well to visual and geometric variations in target objects and to varying interaction forces.


author = {Saumya Saxena and Mohit Sharma and Oliver Kroemer},
title = {Multi-Resolution Sensing for Real-Time Control with Vision-Language Models},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (CoRL) Conference on Robot Learning},
year = {2023},
month = {November},