Narrative-level visual interpretation of human motion for human-robot interaction
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 4, pp. 2074 - 2079, October, 2001
Compelling human-robot interaction demands high level perception of human behavior by the robot. In this paper we describe a visual perception system that provides high-level, narrative interpretation of human behavior in relation to the robot. The vision system has been implemented using Firewire digital camera technology and has been tested in public venues at The Robotics Institute.
@conference{Hilti-2001-8346,author = {Adrian Hilti and Illah Nourbakhsh and Bjorn Jensen and Roland Siegwart},
title = {Narrative-level visual interpretation of human motion for human-robot interaction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
year = {2001},
month = {October},
volume = {4},
pages = {2074 - 2079},
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