Natural gas imports by South Asia; pipelines or pipedreams - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Natural gas imports by South Asia; pipelines or pipedreams

Rahul Tongia and V. S. Arunachalam
Journal Article, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 34, No. 18, pp. 1054 - 1064, May, 1999


There must be few other situations where there are eager purchasers of natural gas (India and Pakistan), willing suppliers of natural gas (Turkmenistan, Iran, Qatar and Oman), and yet, no pipeline. The distances involved are modest, and techno-economic viability appears straightforward. This paper examines in detail the policy, technology, and economics of an overland pipeline supplying natural gas to Pakistan and India. Such a pipeline would be shared by both countries, and would represent a unique opportunity for co-operation. As pipelines exhibit significant economies of scale, shared pipeline would offer the lowest price natural gas for both countries. Pakistani consumers would obtain cheaper gas than from a lower capacity pipeline for their exclusive use, also benefiting from transit fees paid by Indian consumers. An alternative to land-based pipelines through Pakistan for India would be liquefied natural gas, which is more expensive due to the capital-intensive nature of the liquefaction process. However, any overland gas pipeline does not depend solely on economic viability, but on political acceptance as well. This study addresses some of the potential concerns, briefly discussing options for overcoming security of supply worries. Through co-operating on such a venture, one that offers the promise of significantly helping to build the infrastructure of both countries, there is the possibility of the neighbouring countries becoming partners in progress, instead of languishing as prisoners of geography.


author = {Rahul Tongia and V. S. Arunachalam},
title = {Natural gas imports by South Asia; pipelines or pipedreams},
journal = {Economic and Political Weekly},
year = {1999},
month = {May},
volume = {34},
number = {18},
pages = {1054 - 1064},