Near-simultaneous hemoglobin saturation and oxygen tension maps in mouse brain using an AOTF microscope
A newly developed microscope using acousto-optic tunable filters (AOTFs) was used to generate in vivo hemoglobin saturation (SO2) and oxygen tension (PO2) maps in the cerebral cortex of mice. SO2 maps were generated from the spectral analysis of reflected absorbance images collected at different wavelengths, and PO2 maps were generated from the phosphorescence lifetimes of an injected palladium-porphyrin compound using a frequency-domain measurement. As the inspiratory O2 was stepped from hypoxia (10% O2), through normoxia (21% O2), to hyperoxia (60% O2), measured SO2 and PO2 levels rose accordingly and predictably throughout. A plot of SO2 versus PO2 in different arterial and venous regions of the pial vessels conformed to the sigmoidal shape of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, providing further validation of the two mapping procedures. The study demonstrates the versatility of the AOTF microscope for in vivo physiologic investigation, allowing for the generation of nearly simultaneous SO2 and PO2 maps in the cerebral cortex, and the frequency-domain detection of phosphorescence lifetimes. This class of study opens up exciting new possibilities for investigating the dynamics of hemoglobin and O2 binding during functional activation of neuronal tissues.
@article{Shonat-1997-16410,author = {R. D. Shonat and E. S. Wachman and W. Niu and A. P. Koretsky and Daniel Farkas},
title = {Near-simultaneous hemoglobin saturation and oxygen tension maps in mouse brain using an AOTF microscope},
journal = {Biophysical Journal},
year = {1997},
month = {September},
volume = {73},
number = {3},
pages = {1223 - 1231},