Non-Intrusive Gaze Tracking Using Artificial Neural Networks
Conference Paper, Proceedings of AAAI '93 Fall Symposium on Machine Learning in Computer Vision: What, Why and How?, pp. 153 - 156, October, 1993
Viewed in the context of machine vision, successful gaze tracking requires techniques to handle imprecise data, noisy images, and a possibly infinitely large image set. The most accurate gaze tracking has come from intrusive systems which either require the subject to keep their head stable, through chin rests etc., or systems which require the user to wear cumbersome equipment, ranging from special contact lenses to a camera placed on the user’s head to monitor the eye. The system described here attempts non-intrusive gaze tracking, in which the user is neither required to wear any special equipment, nor required to keep his head still.
@conference{Baluja-1993-15931,author = {Shumeet Baluja and Dean Pomerleau},
title = {Non-Intrusive Gaze Tracking Using Artificial Neural Networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI '93 Fall Symposium on Machine Learning in Computer Vision: What, Why and How?},
year = {1993},
month = {October},
pages = {153 - 156},
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