Object-Centric Photometric Bundle Adjustment with Deep Shape Prior - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Object-Centric Photometric Bundle Adjustment with Deep Shape Prior

R. Zhu, C. Wang, C. Lin, Z. Wang, and S. Lucey
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV '18), pp. 894 - 902, March, 2018


Reconstructing 3D shapes from a sequence of images has long been a problem of interest in computer vision. Classical Structure from Motion (SfM) methods have attempted to solve this problem through projected point displacement & bundle adjustment. More recently, deep methods have attempted to solve this problem by directly learning a relationship between geometry and appearance. There is, however, a significant gap between these two strategies. SfM tackles the problem from purely a geometric perspective, taking no account of the object shape prior. Modern deep methods more often throw away geometric constraints altogether, rendering the results unreliable. In this paper we make an effort to bring these two seemingly disparate strategies together. We introduce learned shape prior in the form of deep shape generators into Photometric Bundle Adjustment (PBA) and propose to accommodate full 3D shape generated by the shape prior within the optimization-based inference framework, demonstrating impressive results.


author = {R. Zhu and C. Wang and C. Lin and Z. Wang and S. Lucey},
title = {Object-Centric Photometric Bundle Adjustment with Deep Shape Prior},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV '18)},
year = {2018},
month = {March},
pages = {894 - 902},