Obstacle detection and safeguarding for a high-speed autonomous hydraulic excavator
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Mobile Robots XIII and Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 3525, pp. 146 - 156, November, 1998
Hydraulic excavators are large, powerful machines which are often operated in high-production settings. Successful automation of excavators for mass excavation tasks require safeguarding algorithms which do not negatively impact productivity. We present a two-level sensor-based safeguarding approach which utilizes obstacle detection to prevent collisions and motion detection to halt operation when unanticipated vehicles or people approach the excavator.
@conference{Leger-1998-14797,author = {Patrick (Chris) Leger and Patrick Rowe and John Bares and Scott Boehmke and Anthony (Tony) Stentz},
title = {Obstacle detection and safeguarding for a high-speed autonomous hydraulic excavator},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Mobile Robots XIII and Intelligent Transportation Systems},
year = {1998},
month = {November},
volume = {3525},
pages = {146 - 156},
keywords = {obstacle detection, excavation, safeguarding, motion detection},
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