On Ramp to Parallel Computing - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

On Ramp to Parallel Computing

Zackory Erickson and Samantha Foley
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS '14), April, 2014


Today parallel computers are used in almost every field of study. However they are difficult to learn to use. Parallel computers are built for performance and must be used via the command-line. Our project aims to increase the ease of use of parallel computers. Through a web interface users will be able to interactively launch jobs on a parallel computer hosted at their university. Users will gradually learn the tools needed to use parallel systems directly, while still being able to do meaningful computation, right from the beginning. As users feel more comfortable with parallel computing, they will be given more control of the detailed build, configuration and launch settings. Throughout this paper we will discuss the high level design and goals of this project, as well as the implementation details of the prototype system we have developed. We would also like to invite users to evaluate the system.


author = {Zackory Erickson and Samantha Foley},
title = {On Ramp to Parallel Computing},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS '14)},
year = {2014},
month = {April},