Online Free Walking Trajectory Generation for Biped Humanoid Robot KHR-3 (HUBO)
This paper describes an algorithm about online gait trajectory generation method, controller for walking, brief introduction of humanoid robot platform KHR-3 (KAIST Humanoid Robot ?3: HUBO) and experimental result. The gait trajectory has continuity, smoothness in varying walking period and stride, and it has simple mathematical form which can be implemented easily. It is tested on the robot with some control algorithms. The gait trajectory algorithm is composed of two kinds of function trajectory. The first one is cycloid function, which is used for ankle position in Cartesian coordinate space. Because this profile is made by superposition of linear and sinusoidal function, it has a property of slow start, fast moving, and slow stop. This characteristics can reduce the over burden at instantaneous high speed motion of the actuator. The second one is 3rd order polynomial function. It is continuous in the defined time interval, easy to use when the boundary condition is well defined, and has standard values of coefficients when the time scale is normalized. Position and velocity values are used for its boundary condition. Controllers mainly use F/T(Force/Torque) sensor at the ankle of the robot as a sensor data, and modify the input position profiles (in joint angle space and Cartesian coordinate space). They are to reduce unexpected external forces such as landing shock, and vibration induced by compliances of the sensors and reduction gears, because they can affect seriously on the walking stability. This trajectory and control algorithm is now on the implementing stage for the free-walking realization of KHR-3. As a first stage of realization, we realized the marking time and forward walking algorithm with variable frequency and stride.
@conference{Park-2006-9483,author = {Ill-Woo Park and Jung-Yup Kim and Jungho Lee and Jun-Ho Oh},
title = {Online Free Walking Trajectory Generation for Biped Humanoid Robot KHR-3 (HUBO)},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {2006},
month = {May},
pages = {1231 - 1236},