Organization and selection of reconfigurable models
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 386 - 393, December, 2000
This paper introduces the concept of reconfigurable simulation models and describes how these models can be used to support simulation-based design. As in object-oriented programming, a reconfigurable model consists of a separate interface and multiple implementations. An AND-OR tree represents which implementations can be bound to each interface. From the resulting model space, a designer can quickly select the simulation model that is most appropriate for the current design stage. We conclude the paper with an example that illustrates the XML-based implementation of reconfigurable models.
@conference{Diaz-Calderon-2000-8169,author = {Antonio Diaz-Calderon and Chris Paredis and Pradeep Khosla},
title = {Organization and selection of reconfigurable models},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference},
year = {2000},
month = {December},
pages = {386 - 393},
publisher = {IEEE},
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