Percussive Dynamic Cone Penetrometer for Geotechnical Surface Assessment with a Planetary Rover
Conference Paper, Proceedings of NLSI Lunar Science Conference, No. 2138, July, 2008
The K10 PDCP is a two-axis stand alone system mounted to a NASA Ames K10 rover. The PDCP system includes a percussive drive mechanism, a penetrometer rod and cone, a deployment system, and dedicated lithium-ion battery-powered avionics. The percussive drive mechanism provides the necessary percussive action to the cone required to penetrate soils and measure soil bearing strength.
@conference{Zacny-2008-10045,author = {Kris Zacny and Terrence W. Fong and Jack Wilson and Susan Y. Lee and Linda Kobayashi and Matthew Deans and Arthur Ashley and Chris Santoro},
title = {Percussive Dynamic Cone Penetrometer for Geotechnical Surface Assessment with a Planetary Rover},
booktitle = {Proceedings of NLSI Lunar Science Conference},
year = {2008},
month = {July},
keywords = {planetary rovers, space exploration, moon, terramechanics},
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