Planetary Field Geology: Right and Wrong Lessons from Terrestrial Analogs
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Geologic Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2010
Terrestrial analogs serve four key functions: we use them 1) to learn (by comparison); 2) to test (hardware, hypotheses, strategies); 3) to train (crews and ground personnel); and 4) to engage (international partners, the public, students). Analog sites are often chosen to serve as many functions as possible. However, the most important consideration in the use of an analog site is its fidelity for the usage sought.
@conference{Lee-2010-10551,author = {Pascal Lee and Steven Braham and Terrence W. Fong and Christopher McKay and John Schutt},
title = {Planetary Field Geology: Right and Wrong Lessons from Terrestrial Analogs},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Geologic Society of America Annual Meeting},
year = {2010},
month = {October},
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