Reaction-diffusion textures - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Reaction-diffusion textures

Andrew Witkin and Michael Kass
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 18th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH '91), pp. 299 - 308, July, 1991


We present a method for texture synthesis based on the simulation of a process of local nonlinear interaction, called reaction-diffusion, which has been proposed as a model of biological pattern formation. We extend traditional reaction-diffusion systems by allowing anisotropic and spatially non-uniform diffusion, as well as multiple competing directions of diffusion. We adapt reaction-diffusion system to the needs of computer graphics by presenting a method to synthesize patterns which compensate for the effects of non-uniform surface parameterization. Finally, we develop efficient algorithms for simulating reaction-diffusion systems and display a collection of resulting textures using standard texture- and displacement-mapping techniques.

Proc. Siggraph 91.


author = {Andrew Witkin and Michael Kass},
title = {Reaction-diffusion textures},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 18th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH '91)},
year = {1991},
month = {July},
pages = {299 - 308},