Real-Time Assessment of Robot Performance during Remote Exploration Operations - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Real-Time Assessment of Robot Performance during Remote Exploration Operations

Debra Schreckenghost, Terrence W. Fong, Tod Milam, Estrellina Pacis, and Hans Utz
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Aerospace Conference, March, 2009


To ensure that robots are used effectively for exploration missions, it is important to assess their performance during operations. We are investigating the definition and computation of performance metrics for assessing remote robotic operations in real-time. Our approach is to monitor data streams from robots, compute performance metrics, and provide Web-based displays of these metrics for assessing robot performance during operations. We evaluated our approach for measuring robot performance with the K10 rovers from NASA Ames Research Center during a field test at Moses Lake Sand Dunes (WA) in June 2008. In this paper we present the results of evaluating our software for robot performance and discuss our conclusions from this evaluation for future robot operations.


author = {Debra Schreckenghost and Terrence W. Fong and Tod Milam and Estrellina Pacis and Hans Utz},
title = {Real-Time Assessment of Robot Performance during Remote Exploration Operations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Aerospace Conference},
year = {2009},
month = {March},
editor = {IEEE},
publisher = {IEEE},
keywords = {planetary exploration, mobile robotics, performance monitoring, human-robot interaction},