Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental State Estimation
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October, 2004
The non-rigid motion of a driver's head (i.e. the motion of their mouth, eye-brows, cheeks, etc) can tell us a lot about their mental state; e.g. whether they are drowsy, alert, aggressive, comfortable, tense, distracted, etc. In this paper, we describe our recent research on non-rigid face tracking. In particular, we present both 2D and 3D algorithms for tracking the non-rigid motion of the driver's head using an Active Appearance Model. Both algorithms operate at over 200 frames per second. We also present algorithms for converting a 2D model into a 3D model and for fitting with occlusion and large pose variation. Notes
@conference{Baker-2004-9044,author = {Simon Baker and Iain Matthews and Jing Xiao and Ralph Gross and Takeo Kanade and Takahiro Ishikawa},
title = {Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental State Estimation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems},
year = {2004},
month = {October},
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