Reconstructing 3D Blood Vessel Shapes from Multiple X-Ray Images
Conference Paper, Proceedings of AAAI '94 Spring Symposium on Computer Vision in Medical Image Processing, pp. 7 - 10, March, 1994
This paper presents an algorithm which performs the three-dimensional reconstruction task. Each section of the paper will examine one of the main steps of the algorithm: detecting vessels in single images, finding the positions of the vessels in three dimensions, and finally performing diameter measurements. The paper concludes with some reconstruction results.
@conference{Rowley-1994-13641,author = {Henry Rowley and Takeo Kanade},
title = {Reconstructing 3D Blood Vessel Shapes from Multiple X-Ray Images},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI '94 Spring Symposium on Computer Vision in Medical Image Processing},
year = {1994},
month = {March},
pages = {7 - 10},
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