Reconstruction of Dynamic Vehicles from Multiple Unsynchronized Cameras
Despite significant research in the area, reconstruction of multiple dynamic rigid objects (e.g. vehicles) observed from wide-baseline, uncalibrated and unsynchronized cameras, remains
hard. On one hand, feature tracking works well within each view but is hard to correspond
across multiple cameras with limited overlap in fields of view or due to occlusions. On the
other hand, advances in deep learning have resulted in strong detectors that work across different viewpoints but are still not precise enough for triangulation-based reconstruction. In this work, we develop a framework to fuse both the single-view feature tracks and multi-view detected part locations to significantly improve the detection, localization and reconstruction of moving vehicles, even in the presence of strong occlusions. We demonstrate Multi-view tracking of vehicles from multiple views. We also present a novel camera synchronization algorithm to improve the performance of the reconstruction over long trajectories. We demonstrate our framework at a busy traffic intersection by reconstructing multiple moving vehicles passing within a 3-minute window. We evaluate the different components within our framework and compare to alternate approaches such as reconstruction using tracking-by-detection.
@mastersthesis{Narapureddy-2018-105891,author = {N. Dinesh Reddy},
title = {Reconstruction of Dynamic Vehicles from Multiple Unsynchronized Cameras},
year = {2018},
month = {May},
school = {Carnegie Mellon University},
address = {Pittsburgh, PA},
number = {CMU-RI-TR-18-17},
keywords = {3D reconstruction, scene understanding},