Robotic Scouting for Human Exploration
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Space '09, September, 2009
By 2020, NASA plans to return to the Moon with a new series of regularly spaced surface missions. Crewed missions will initially be "extended sortie" (e.g., 1-2 weeks). During the first few years of the lunar campaign, humans will be on the Moon less than 10% of the time. During the 90% of time between crew visits, robots could perform tasks under ground control. This paper presents the system design for a prototype robotic recon robot and ground control approach, as well as a terrestrial analog field test designed to assess the utility of recon for augmenting and assisting human exploration of a lunar-like environment. Results are presented for recent field testing of the reconnaissance robot in northern Arizona.
@conference{Deans-2009-10323,author = {Matthew Deans and Terrence W. Fong and Mark Allan and Xavier Bouyssounouse and Maria Bualat and Lorenzo Flueckiger and Linda Kobayashi and Susan Y. Lee and David Lees and Eric Park and Estrellina Pacis and Liam Pedersen and Debra Schreckenghost and Trey Smith and Vinh To and Hans Utz},
title = {Robotic Scouting for Human Exploration},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Space '09},
year = {2009},
month = {September},
editor = {AIAA},
keywords = {planetary exploration, space robotics},
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