Robust Quantum Optimal Control with Trajectory Optimization - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Quantum Optimal Control with Trajectory Optimization

Thomas Propson, Brian E. Jackson, Jens Koch, Zachary Manchester, and David I. Schuster
Journal Article, Physical Review Applied, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2022


The ability to engineer high-fidelity gates on quantum processors in the presence of systematic errors remains the primary barrier to achieving quantum advantage. Quantum optimal control methods have proven effective in experimentally realizing high-fidelity gates, but they require exquisite calibration to be performant. We apply robust trajectory optimization techniques to suppress gate errors arising from system parameter uncertainty. We propose a derivative-based approach that maintains computational efficiency by using forward-mode differentiation. Additionally, the effect of depolarization on a gate is typically modeled by integrating the Lindblad master equation, which is computationally expensive. We employ a computationally efficient model and utilize time-optimal control to achieve high-fidelity gates in the presence of depolarization. We apply these techniques to a fluxonium qubit and suppress simulated gate errors due to parameter uncertainty below 10 − 7 for static parameter deviations of the order of 1%.


author = {Thomas Propson and Brian E. Jackson and Jens Koch and Zachary Manchester and David I. Schuster},
title = {Robust Quantum Optimal Control with Trajectory Optimization},
journal = {Physical Review Applied},
year = {2022},
month = {January},
volume = {17},
number = {1},