Roughness perception in virtual textures - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Roughness perception in virtual textures

Bertram Unger, Ralph Hollis, and Roberta Klatzky
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 122 - 133, April, 2011


Haptic devices allow the production of virtual textured surfaces for psychophysical experiments. Some studies have shown inconsistencies between virtual and real textures with respect to their psychophysical functions for roughness, leading to speculation that virtual textures differ in some way from real ones. We have determined the psychophysical function for roughness using textures rendered with a high-fidelity magnetic levitation haptic device. A constraint surface algorithm was used to simulate the motion of a spherical probe over trapezoidal gratings and randomly dithered cones. The shape of the psychophysical functions for roughness is consistent between subjects but varies with changes in texture and probe geometry. For dithered cones, inverted “U”-shaped functions were found nearly identical, in maxima and curvature, to those in the literature for real textures with similar geometry.


author = {Bertram Unger and Ralph Hollis and Roberta Klatzky},
title = {Roughness perception in virtual textures},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Haptics},
year = {2011},
month = {April},
volume = {4},
number = {2},
pages = {122 - 133},