Scalable Cooperative Transport of Cable-Suspended Loads with UAV’s using Distributed Trajectory Optimization
Most approaches to multi-robot control either rely on local decentralized control policies that scale well in the number of agents, or on centralized methods that can handle constraints and produce rich system-level behavior, but are typically computationally expensive and scale poorly in the number of agents, relegating them to offline planning. This work presents a scalable approach that uses distributed trajectory optimization to parallelize computation over a group of computationally-limited agents while handling general nonlinear dynamics and non-convex constraints. The approach, including near-real-time onboard trajectory generation, is demonstrated in hardware on a cable-suspended load problem with a team of quadrotors automatically reconfiguring to transport a heavy load through a doorway.
@article{Jackson-2020-122089,author = {Brian Jackson and Taylor Howell and Kunal Shah and Mac Schwager and Zac Manchester},
title = {Scalable Cooperative Transport of Cable-Suspended Loads with UAV's using Distributed Trajectory Optimization},
journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
year = {2020},
month = {April},
volume = {5},
number = {2},
pages = {3368 - 3374},