Scaling-up Human Control for Large UAV Teams
Book Section/Chapter, Human Factors of Remotely Piloted Vehicles, pp. 237 - 250, May, 2006
Wide area search munitions (WASMs) are a cross between an unmanned aerial vehicle and a munition. With an impressive array of onboard sensors and autonomous flight capabilities WASMs might play a variety of roles on the modern battle field including reconnaissance, search, battle damage assessment, or communications relay.
@incollection{Polvichai-2006-9553,author = {J. Polvichai and Katia Sycara and Paul Scerri},
title = {Scaling-up Human Control for Large UAV Teams},
booktitle = {Human Factors of Remotely Piloted Vehicles},
publisher = {Elsevier},
address = {New York},
chapter = {17},
editor = {N. Cooke},
year = {2006},
month = {May},
pages = {237 - 250},
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