SHIVA: Simulated Highways for Intelligent Vehicle Algorithms
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV '95), pp. 332 - 337, September, 1995
SHIVA (Simulated Highways for Intelligent Vehicle Algorithms) addresses deficiencies present in existing microscopic traffic simulators with: realistic sensor modeling; support for communicating vehicles; a variety of driver models; and efficient integration with real robots. SHIVA runs on Sun Sparcstations (under X) and SGI workstations (using Inventor). Class hierarchies for vehicles, sensors and displays allow users to develop algorithms for specific vehicle/sensor configurations and to debug them with graphical viewing tools. Simulated scenarios can be interactively displayed online in 3-D. Off-line execution is also available if only statistics (such as throughput) are desired.
@conference{Sukthankar-1995-13976,author = {Rahul Sukthankar and Dean Pomerleau and Chuck Thorpe},
title = {SHIVA: Simulated Highways for Intelligent Vehicle Algorithms},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV '95)},
year = {1995},
month = {September},
pages = {332 - 337},
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