Simple Machines for Scaling Human Motion
Workshop Paper, CAS '99 Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Humans, pp. 3 - 11, September, 1999
This paper describes a fast technique for modifying humanmotion sequences in a way that preserves physical properties of the motion. Reference motion may be obtained from any source: motion capture data, keyframed motion, or procedurally generated motion. We show that by deriving a simplified control system from motion data only, we are able to modify the motion in a physically realistic way at nearly real-time speeds, because we can scale and modify the simplified system directly. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, we animate running motion for a variety of characters over a range of velocities. Results can be computed at several frames per second.
@workshop{Pollard-1999-14987,author = {Nancy Pollard},
title = {Simple Machines for Scaling Human Motion},
booktitle = {Proceedings of CAS '99 Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Humans},
year = {1999},
month = {September},
pages = {3 - 11},
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