Simulation and Characterization of a CMOS Z-axis Microactuator with Electrostatic Comb Drives
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM '00), pp. 181 - 184, March, 2000
This paper reports the first design and its simulation and experimental results of a CMOS z-axis microactuator that utilizes the vertical electrostatic forces existing between multi-conductor comb fingers. The measured maximum displacement of the z-axis microactuator is 3.5 ?, and resonant frequency 6.17 kHz, which are in good agreement with the field simulation and the behavioral simulation results using the NODAS library [1]. The advantages of the z-axis actuator include compatibility with standard CMOS processes and easy implementation of 3-axis microstages, integrated position sensing components and motion control circuits.
@conference{Xie-2000-7995,author = {Huikai Xie and Lars Erdmann and Qi Jing and Gary K. Fedder},
title = {Simulation and Characterization of a CMOS Z-axis Microactuator with Electrostatic Comb Drives},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM '00)},
year = {2000},
month = {March},
pages = {181 - 184},
keywords = {vertical actuation, NODAS library, behavioral simulation, comb drive, CMOS micromachining process},
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