Singularities in Articulated Object Tracking with 2-D and 3-D Models - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Singularities in Articulated Object Tracking with 2-D and 3-D Models

Jim Rehg and Daniel D. Morris
Miscellaneous, October, 1997


Three dimensional kinematic models are widely-used in video-based figure tracking. We show that these models can suffer from singularities when motion is directed along the viewing axis of a single camera. The single camera case is important because it arises in many interesting applications, such as motion capture from movie footage. We describe a novel 2-D Scaled Prismatic Model (SPM) for figure registration. In contrast to 3-D kinematic models, the SPM has fewer singularity problems and does not require detailed knowledge of the 3-D kinematics. We fully characterize the singularities in the SPM and demonstrate tracking through singularities using synthetic and real examples. We demonstrate the application of our model to motion capture from movies. Fred Astaire is tracked in a clip from the film ``Shall We Dance''. Some simple video edits are presented. These results demonstrate the benefits of the SPM in tracking with a single source of video.


author = {Jim Rehg and Daniel D. Morris},
title = {Singularities in Articulated Object Tracking with 2-D and 3-D Models},
publisher = {tech. report CRL 97/8, Digital Equipment Corporation, Cambridge Research Lab},
month = {October},
year = {1997},