Social Tag: Finding the Person with the Pink Hat
Workshop Paper, AAAI '05 Workshop: Mobile Robot Competition and Exhibition, pp. 40 - 44, July, 2005
At the AAAI 2005 Robot Exhibition, the robot GRACE played a game of ?ocial tag?that involved human-robot social interaction, navigation, and interface design. The task was for GRACE to locate and rendezvous with one of our team members, who was wearing a pink hat. The robot found the target not primarily through the modalities of sight or sound, but rather through social interactions with strangers in the environment.
@workshop{Michalowski-2005-16991,author = {Marek Piotr Michalowski and Didac Busquets Font and Carl Francis DiSalvo and Laura Hiatt and Nicholas Melchior and Reid Simmons and Selma Sabanovic},
title = {Social Tag: Finding the Person with the Pink Hat},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI '05 Workshop: Mobile Robot Competition and Exhibition},
year = {2005},
month = {July},
pages = {40 - 44},
publisher = {AAAI},
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