Soft magnetic skin for super-resolution tactile sensing with force self-decoupling - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Soft magnetic skin for super-resolution tactile sensing with force self-decoupling

Youcan Yan, Zhe Hu, Zhengbao Yang, Wenzhen Yuan, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan, and Yajing Shen
Journal Article, Science Robotics, Vol. 6, No. 51, February, 2021


Human skin can sense subtle changes of both normal and shear forces (i.e., self-decoupled) and perceive stimuli with finer resolution than the average spacing between mechanoreceptors (i.e., super-resolved). By contrast, existing tactile sensors for robotic applications are inferior, lacking accurate force decoupling and proper spatial resolution at the same time. Here, we present a soft tactile sensor with self-decoupling and super-resolution abilities by designing a sinusoidally magnetized flexible film (with the thickness ~0.5 millimeters), whose deformation can be detected by a Hall sensor according to the change of magnetic flux densities under external forces. The sensor can accurately measure the normal force and the shear force (demonstrated in one dimension) with a single unit and achieve a 60-fold super-resolved accuracy enhanced by deep learning. By mounting our sensor at the fingertip of a robotic gripper, we show that robots can accomplish challenging tasks such as stably grasping fragile objects under external disturbance and threading a needle via teleoperation. This research provides new insight into tactile sensor design and could be beneficial to various applications in robotics field, such as adaptive grasping, dexterous manipulation, and human-robot interaction.


author = {Youcan Yan and Zhe Hu and Zhengbao Yang and Wenzhen Yuan and Chaoyang Song and Jia Pan and Yajing Shen},
title = {Soft magnetic skin for super-resolution tactile sensing with force self-decoupling},
journal = {Science Robotics},
year = {2021},
month = {February},
volume = {6},
number = {51},