Successful User Interfaces for RADAR
Workshop Paper, CHI '08 Workshop on Usable Artificial Intelligence, April, 2008
We are designing, implementing, and testing the user interface for RADAR (Reflective Agents with Distributed Adaptive Reasoning), which is a large multi-agent system that uses learning to help office workers cope with email overload and to complete routine tasks more efficiently. RADAR provides a mixed-initiative user interface in which artificial intelligence helps users perform the tasks that arrive in email messages. A large-scale user test of RADAR demonstrated the effectiveness of its user interface and AI.
@workshop{Faulring-2008-17059,author = {Andrew Faulring and Ken Mohnkern and Aaron Steinfeld and Brad A. Myers},
title = {Successful User Interfaces for RADAR},
booktitle = {Proceedings of CHI '08 Workshop on Usable Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2008},
month = {April},
keywords = {Task management, forms, form filling, anchors, intelligent user interfaces, agents, RADAR},
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