Support vector clustering of time series data with alignment kernels - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Support vector clustering of time series data with alignment kernels

Benedikt Boecking, Stephan K. Chalup, Detlef Seese, and Aaron S. W. Wong
Journal Article, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 45, pp. 129 - 135, August, 2014


Time series clustering is an important data mining topic and a challenging task due to the sequences’ potentially very complex structures. In the present study we experimentally investigate the combination of support vector clustering with a triangular alignment kernel by evaluating it on an artificial time series benchmark dataset. The experiments lead to meaningful segmentations of the data, thereby providing an example that clustering time series with specific kernels is possible without pre-processing of the data. We compare our approach and the results and learn that the clustering quality is competitive when compared to other approaches.


author = {Benedikt Boecking and Stephan K. Chalup and Detlef Seese and Aaron S. W. Wong},
title = {Support vector clustering of time series data with alignment kernels},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = {2014},
month = {August},
volume = {45},
pages = {129 - 135},